Summer Goals

Happy Boy In Lake Sammamish

Happy Boy in Lake Sammamish

Summer is here.

The kids are at a great age. They love chilling at home reading or being creative but are always up for adventure. I like to set goals for the summer to add some structure to our days. This year, I want to visit as many state parks as possible. The parks have offered up a Centennial GeoTour to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Washington’s state parks in 2013. There are 100 geocaches hidden in 100 parks. Each cache has a stamp and pad to mark a passport. When you’ve reached 50 parks, you can send in your passport for a silver geocoin. If you reach 100 parks, you get a gold coin. Now, we have no intention of reaching 100 parks but it’s been fun exploring rivers, lakes, and trails I didn’t even know existed.  It’s always exciting to find the geocaches too.

The kids also have chores this summer. It helps so much with the daily mess and my sanity. They complete the list each day to earn a LEGO set in late August.




As for me, it’s an interesting season. My right hamstring is making running painful so this is the first summer in years that I don’t have any races planned. With the hotter than usual temperatures, though, I think it’s probably for the best. I wilt like a flower in the heat. I’ve found some fun fitness challenges to keep me moving in other ways. We joined the YMCA and they have a 10.25-mile (369 laps) and 56.25-mile (2025 laps) swim challenge that started on June 22 and goes to September 4th. I’m on my way to reaching the 10-miler!  Also, there is a great virtual racing company called Jost Running that has a summer walking challenge. You register, pay $30, track your 100 miles and receive a medal in August. Most often, part of the fee for the medal goes to charity. It’s a great idea for folks like me who love some good race bling.

Finally, I wanted to post my favorite summer treats. For the kids, I make strawberry banana popsicles in my Magic Bullet. I just blend the fruit, add some almond milk and a teaspoon of honey if the fruit seems tart. They are really yummy and take about 5 minutes to make.


For the adults, there is nothing better than a good margarita on a sunny summer evening. I don’t like them too sweet but the beer in this recipe cuts it for a really yummy flavor. Enjoy!




Food Tour of Japan

The food we enjoyed in Japan deserves it’s own post. Every meal was an adventure and each paid off handsomely. The food standards in Japan are better than the U.S. so you can get a delicious, healthy meal anywhere including vending machines and convenience stores. Sweets are light and well-made but not as sweet. The fruits and veggies are really flavorful and everything on a plate serves a purpose in creating or contributing flavor.

It is considered bad manners to eat or drink on the go in Japan. It was nice to sit down and enjoy my espresso and meals. Be aware, though, that smoking is to be expected in most restaurants.


I was supposed to run 5 miles this morning but instead I ate this: 

It’s okay to take a break. In fact, I know exercise is a core part of my life because I can punt a run and it doesn’t throw me off course indefinitely. The run or the workout will happen. The healthy eating will return. It shouldn’t be drudgery or punishment to live better.

 A friend used to say, just because you chip a dish doesn’t mean you throw out all the plates. So true.

Be kind to yourself.

Girls Weekend!

I’m feeling rested and refilled after a weekend of fun with my best girlfriends. Time with great people is invaluable to me. I figured out years ago that taking time for myself isn’t selfish or detrimental to my family but, in fact, just the opposite. As wives and mothers we put unrealistic pressure on ourselves to be everything to everyone while running on empty ourselves. Not only is this unnecessary, but I think this behavior leads many of us to resent our kids or loved ones when we’re actually the ones depriving ourselves. My family has never made me feel bad for taking time out and what’s more, it’s good for them to see me making myself a priority. How are they supposed to respect me and my role when I don’t do it? Not only that, but it’s incredibly healthy for my kids to spend concentrated time with their daddy. We are different people and while we’re on the same parenting page, we approach things differently and it’s good for our kids to experience both of our styles. I always arrive home with a husband who has a renewed appreciation for the work I do for our family as well.

It’s a win all around.

I highly recommend the snowshoeing and wine tasting tour through Blue Sky Outfitters in Leavenworth. Now it’s time to focus on the week and get ready for March.


Location: Juanita Beach Park
Distance: 3.1 miles
Playlist: Kanye West


After quite a few solo runs I invited my running buddy Ansgar to join me this morning. Although he and his family live right across the street, we don’t see each other too often. It’s always fun to catch up with him. We can talk about pretty much anything and it feels like no time has passed. The older I get, the more I appreciate that in my friends.


This past year Ansgar dodged a pretty serious bullet with his health. Now that he’s on the other side of it, his outlook and priorities have completely changed. He told me that he doesn’t worry about his job anymore and brushes off the obnoxious drivers who used to make him crazy. His focus is on enjoying his life. His bucket list is a much bigger priority now. Doing the things he wants to do with the people he wants to be around is his main focus. That sounds pretty good to me.

After our run we hit Hectors in Kirkland and split a plate of steak and eggs. Ansgar is the only person I know who can run like a beast and immediately (and comfortably) drink a couple pints. I would totally vomit. He taught me that “fruehschoppen” is the German word for a beer in the morning.


Fruehschoppen complete. Now it’s time to cheer on the home team. Go Hawks!!!

The Double Deuce

There are a few suburban housewife cliches that I don’t mind living up to. One of them is the free and liberal use of the crockpot. I so love the crockpot, in fact, that I own two. This week I threw down with what we call the Double Deuce. That’s two crockpots cooking two separate meals at the same time. I made two yummy soups that will feed my family for at least 4 meals.

This momma loves a quick and easy meal on our busy weekdays. I ended up freezing all of it knowing we would be out too much this weekend to enjoy them. I did taste each one and they are yummy.

I made:

Karen Petersen’s Parmesan Sausage and Kale Soup


Chelsea’s Sweet Potato, Chicken, and Quinoa Soup

I’d love to know your quick and easy weekday meals. Thanks!