The Double Deuce

There are a few suburban housewife cliches that I don’t mind living up to. One of them is the free and liberal use of the crockpot. I so love the crockpot, in fact, that I own two. This week I threw down with what we call the Double Deuce. That’s two crockpots cooking two separate meals at the same time. I made two yummy soups that will feed my family for at least 4 meals.

This momma loves a quick and easy meal on our busy weekdays. I ended up freezing all of it knowing we would be out too much this weekend to enjoy them. I did taste each one and they are yummy.

I made:

Karen Petersen’s Parmesan Sausage and Kale Soup


Chelsea’s Sweet Potato, Chicken, and Quinoa Soup

I’d love to know your quick and easy weekday meals. Thanks!